For over 40 years PRIDE has helped keep Florida communities safe by significantly reducing recidivism rates of ex-offenders. Inmates receive real world skills through over 37 job training programs in 17 state facilities offering hundreds of certifications that prepare them for re-entry into communities as productive citizens. Inmates that participate in PRIDE training programs are three times less likely to commit a new offense upon release from a correctional institution than non-participants.
Collaborating with the Florida Department of Corrections (FDC), PRIDE offers TABE and GED Academy programs at every PRIDE Industry institution. These online software programs are offered within our Career Resource Centers (CRC) and prepare inmates for their successful GED completion. The normal flow begins with an inmate starting with TABE Academy, advance to GED Academy, and finally, the FDC administers the GED test. PRIDE's GED program participants allow the FDC to increase the number of inmates preparing and completing his/her GED.
In the photo at left, you have: Govinda Rai, Braille Manager, Remero Green, Director, Mission Programs, Inmate Victor Mackey, GED graduate, and Julia Gonzalez, Workforce Development Specialist. |
PRIDE is the only private program of its type in the US and operates as a not-for-profit corporation, with board oversight, to fulfill four missions defined by Florida statute. PRIDE is funded exclusively through the net proceeds from sales of products and services manufactured by PRIDE inmate training programs. PRIDE serves as a model example of the privatization of government functions and reduces the cost of state government for Florida's taxpayers by millions of dollars every year.
As PRIDE enters a new decade, we continue to centralize our focus on embracing new technology as directed by our Strategic Plan. Significant financial resources are being invested in state-of- the- art computers/servers, upgraded infra-structure hardware/software systems, and cybersecurity detection and monitoring software. Installation of sophisticated firewalls that block access to our network and a rigorous cybersecurity framework will ensure that our company and customers’ digital processing will be processed efficiently and securely.
Our IT professionals, with the assistance of highly qualified IT consultants are developing not only advanced security systems, but a new platform for both our website and e-commerce portal. Our unified web experience will provide customers with an experience that provides product information, an automated shopping cart, and will be linked directly with PRIDE’s re-designed website. We are also rebuilding our entire infrastructure from a “greenfield” base. No system that operated on our legacy servers or workstations will be used.
These investments will not only allow us to meet the future needs of our customers but will enhance our ability to offer meaningful vocational and job training work programs to our inmate workforce. As we progress through the next year, we will also explore opportunities to upgrade our ERP system and provide a customer relationship management solution that will benefit both our organization and our customers.
We urge you to contact our Customer Service Department if you have any questions regarding the ordering process or any concern about a specific order. Thank you for your patience during our rebuilding phase and for your support of the PRIDE mission.
Corporate Office
1463 Oakfield Drive #126
Brandon, FL 33511
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4480
Brandon, FL 33509-4480
Office: 813-324-8700
Customer Service Center
9544 County Road 476B
Bushnell, FL 33513
Office: 813-890-6557
Email: |
If you wish to place an order please contact our customer service department using the number or email below.
Thank you for choosing PRIDE.
Customer Service Center
9544 County Road 476B
Bushnell, FL 33513
Office: 813-890-6557
If you wish to place an online order for Sanitary and Maintenance products please visit our store at
PRIDE's statewide inmate training programs produce over 3,000 products available to Florida's businesses and state agencies. Please review this partial list of products and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service department using the toll-free telephone numbers or email address displayed above. |
Furniture |
(Commercial, hotels, library's, etc) |
Solid Wood Tops (Restaurant) |
Fire Station Furniture
(Recliners, beds, lockers, etc) |
Seating |
Casegoods |
Desks |
Office Work Stations |
Storage Solutions |
Dormitory Furniture
(Beds, wardrobes, nightstands, etc) |
Metal Products |
Outdoor Grills |
Fire Rings |
Serpentins Bike Racks |
Lantern Holders |
Beds |
Lockers |
Animal Resistant Trash Receptacles |
Iron Ranger Lockable Fee Boxes |
Detention Furniture |
Dental |
Complete Dentures |
Cast Metal RPD |
Acrylic RPD |
Flexible RPD |
Acrylic Repairs |
Orthodontics |
E-Max Crowns |
Metal Crowns |
Printing & Graphics |
Mailings |
Envelopes |
Labels |
Forms |
Business Cards |
Stationery |
Wide Format |
Signage |
Decals |
Digital Services |
Data Entry and Keying |
Scanning and Indexing |
Paint (Traffic Marking Paint) |
Florida DOT specification 971-3 |
Florida DOT specification 971-4 High Durable |
Georgia DOT specification |
Georgia DOT High Durable specification |
South Carolina DOT approved specification |
North Carolina specification |
Federal specification TT-P 1952F TYPE I,II, and III |
Food |
Ground Meats |
Sewn Products |
Uniforms |
Jail Sets |
Hats |
Boots |
Mattresses |
Embroidery |
Screen Print |
Corrugated Box |
Trash Receptacles |
Storage Boxes |
Ballot Receptacles |
File Storage |
Custom Displays |
Slotted Cartons |
SM&S |
Floor Care Chemicals and Service Supplies |
General Purpose Chemicals and Service Supplies |
Hygiene and Personal Care Products |
Kitchen Chemicals and Service Supplies |
Laundry Chemicals and Service Supplies |
Vehicle Care Products |
Lumber |
Pressure Treated and Non Pressure Treated Lumber |
Rough Cut Lumber |
Planed Lumber |
Fencing Posts |
Stakes |
Pilings |
Specialty Fencing |
Park Furniture (Wood & Plastic) |
Picnic Tables |
Park Benches |
Metal Leg Tables |
Transit Benches |
Contour Benches |
Trail Benches |
Trash Receptacles |
Kiosks |
Retread Tire |
Retreads |
Cap and Casings |
Heavy Vehicle Restoration |
Restoration |
Paint |
Body |
Fabrication |
License Plates |
License Plates |
Vanity Plates |
Optical |
Complete Eyeglasses |
Surface Only (Lenses) |